Tricks To Improve Your Organic Conversions: NEB Grade 12 Organic Chemistry Conversions

Organic Conversions might be challenging to many of us but below there is some initial tricks which can guide you for your better performance in the organic conversions. Remember that these are only initial tricks that can help to get started effectively. Later on you need to step yourself up for better score according to the complexity of conversions.

Organic Conversions Tricks For Beginners

1. Increment of Carbon in Chain

Step 1: Activate the Carbon chain by chlorination i.e. react the Alkanes with Chlorine in the presence of light (hv).
Step 2: React with Sodium (Na) in the presence of ether (also known as Wurtz reaction) which will increase the Carbon number by doubling it.
            Note: In the case of requirement of odd numbered carbon chain for eg. Propane we add Methyl Chloride along in the Step 2. Follow the image below for better illustration.

First Trick Illustration

2. Decrement in Carbon Chain

Step 1: Activate the Carbon chain by Chlorination.
Step 2: Convert to 1 degree alcohol by Aq. KOH.
Step 3: Oxidize the product with KMnO4 in acidic or basic medium.
Step 4: Decarboxylation using Sodalime i.e. NaOH + CaO (Skipping the step that uses NaOH as Sodalime already includes Sodium Hydroxide)
Step 5: Removal of Sodium Carbonate

3. Single Bond to Double Bond to Triple Bond and its Converse

Step 1: Activate the Carbon chain by Chlorination.
Step 2: Removal of HCl using alc. KOH
Step 3: Repeat Step 1, here we can use Chlorine as well as Bromine
Step 4: Here alc. KOH remains weak for the Triple bond so, NaNH2 (Sodium Amide) is used.

           Converse: Use LiAlH4 as a reducing agent for backward conversion which will result in addition of Hydrogen and thus Alkyne >> Alkene >> Alkane

4. Alcohol to Aldehyde to Carboxylic Acid and its Converse

Use KMnO4 in acidic of basic medium as a oxidizing agent (Limited amount for Aldehyde & Excess for Carboxylic acid). To prepare Aldehyde from this process, Aldehyde should be removed continuously which is not feasible to some extent.

             Converse: Use LiAlH4 as a reducing agent for backward conversion.

 For Aldehyde: To prepare aldehyde more effectively, Collins reagent of anhyd. CrO3 is used.

            Note: In the case of second degree alcohols, Ketone is formed when oxidized with KMnO4 in acidic or basic medium.

5. Alcohol to Amine

Step 1: Activate the Carbon chain by Chlorination.
Step 2: Pass Ammonia gas in a sealed tube at 100 degree Celsius which results in 1 degree Amine. This process is also known as Hoffman's Ammonolysis.

Please remember that this is only initial start trick to make Organic conversions friendly for you so that you can get the path of the conversions learning process. Learn more from your textbooks or other resources for further complex conversions.

For Better Initiation of your Organic Conversions, Watch this Youtube video

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