SEE Results Out Now, What Next?

SEE Result Out, Decide What's Next!

Best Wishes for your SEE result. Today is the day of your certainty of passing the iron gate. Most likely the result of SEE is going to published today as per NEB professionals and news. This is the most intense situations for the students in their home and neighbors. 10th result matters a lot in the decision of the students for their further studies. It decides whether you can get into the most hyped field that is science of not. In this situation you are more likely to get into dilemma of which city and which college. So, let’s start the tour for better insights to choose right path for your high school. This tour is more preferred for the students willing to study in NEB +2 than Cambridge A levels and CTEVT courses.

Own City or Sophisticated city for further studies after SEE?

Its true in the context of Nepal that city matters a lot in your studies after 10th grade. If you see the students upto 10th grade in the cities all over Nepal, most of the students are not affected by their location as their is equivalent education in most of the cities. But in the +2 level, from the past results and trends it is seen that the greater cities have better education and better performance of the students. It is most often due to reason that in more availability of resources students can understand better in the +2 level. Another reason for the better performance is the sort of professors and lecturers available in the big cities in the comparison of the small cities. Big cities also offer more institutions and organization which helps in better exposure of students. So, for better future it is easier for the students who are in the big cities in the comparison of small cities and in the race the capital city i.e. Kathmandu wins with their obvious availability of top colleges and better resources. However, it is not necessary that the small cities cannot fulfill the requirements for your high school education. There are lots of alternatives cities which can be considered and they are more likely the provincial capitals or financial hub which have better exposure to the educational institutions.

Ways to Consider an Ideal College

  • Academic Performance: This is the term which should be considered from both side i.e. you should watch for the past results and academic performance of the institutions along with the reviews from the alumni and you should also consider your result for the selection of colleges as it determine your preference of the seat for the college.
  • Infrastructures and Resources: As I have talked before for the determination of the colleges availability of resources is the important factor for the high school education. Better resources and infrastructures also provides better environment from library to the sports, it is the important aspect for your better performance in high school.
  • Faculty and Recognitions: For better understanding, you must lookup for the faculty members and services in the college. It provide you a better glance of the college for your high schooling. Recognitions are the another factor for the consideration of the college. It gives you a past records of the college and a long term trust.
  • Financial Constraints: Funding for the high schooling is on of the most obvious factor for the selection of the colleges unless you are selected in the top colleges like St. Xavier’s College (Maitighar) or SOS HG (Sanothimi). You should look for your funding availabilities for the tuition fees and extra expenditures and in case it is unaffordable you may lookup for the alternatives with similar facilities.

Prerequisites For The College Admission

After choosing a right stream for you and a right college for your stream, see for the academic requirements of the colleges and we will further discuss if your result is not so good or you failed to meet the requirements. If you are still confused about selection of the right stream go through our helpful blog Stream After 10. You must lookout for the required GPA for your stream and then apply for the colleges that you have considered. Even though for the top colleges like St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar there is a special cutoff for the selection which is eventually in the higher side of GPA. For the requirements and all other stuffs related to entrance examination of St. Xavier’s College We have a separate blog How To Crack St. Xavier’s College Entrance.

What If My SEE GPA is in Lower Side?

This is the matter of worry if your GPA in SEE is not good as it is considered as one of the special results in your life and eventually can obstruct in the your desired stream. But you need to move on because you have another game i.e. high school which you could win if you play it hard. Where the importance of SEE ends, your result of effort and hard work starts. So, it is important to do well in your +2 and secure a good GPA along with knowledge which will clear your path in future studies. In case you are prevented to study science stream due to your bad results don’t worry too much there are lots of alternatives in the management stream which can be pursued in your bachelor’s degree and some times commerce fields beats science in the terms of success. So, you can do better in your life even after low grades in SEE.


What are the cons of moving to big cities?

The main challenges if you are moving to new cities may be the cultural and linguistic barrier in addition with the feeling of loneliness and anxiety.

What GPA is considered as good and above the average?

Generally, 3.5 or higher GPA is considered as above the average and are highly motivated.

What if I didn’t join bridge course classes?

Bridge course do not effect your admission process if you are self prepared for the entrance exam and gone through all the required resources. However, if you had bridge course classes in your gap your high school classes might be easier.

Can I get scholarships if I have good GPA?

Yes, If your GPA is outstanding many colleges provides you a merit based scholarships but for the scholarships in reputed colleges you need to do great in entrance exam along with good GPA.

Is there any scholarships in St. Xavier’s College?

Although there is no merit based scholarships in St. Xavier’s College, Maitighar, it offers need based scholarships where you have to show your economic status and eligibility for the scholarship.

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